I must have caught a stomach bug somewhere along the way from my flight from America back to Korea because I was the sickest I've been since coming to Korea my entire first week back teaching. The kids were all excited I was back so I didn't want to stay home from school so I kept on going and was literally exhausted at the end of the days. Being sick in a foreign country with only a few English speaking doctors really  is not the easiest. Luckily I have good friends nearby to help and such a nice and caring school. 
The teacher knew I was sick so everyday they ordered me a special lunch so I didn't have to eat all the spicy and hard to digest foods. They would order me lunch without even telling me and it would be sitting on my desk at noon everyday. The lunch ladies made me dinner to take home as well. I feel so lucky to be placed in such a wonderful school with such good people.
At the end of the week I was finally beginning to feel better (thank god!) and one of the new teachers who I sit next to came up to me and in broken English said: 
"I hear you are wonderful in the classroom, very popular with students."

It was the kind of comment that I just needed to hear after that week and it truly made my day.

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