Since Christmas is not really a holiday in Korea we all had to come to school on Christmas Eve. Luckily it was the week of the student's final exams so I didn't have to teach and it was a half day so I really didn't mind at all. I decided I would get the teachers small gifts because they have been so extremely kind and helpful to me since I have arrived in Korea. I wish I could have bought them the world but there are literally about 40 of them in my teacher's room so instead I brought them cookies, chocolates and hot chocolate. They acted like I had given them each brand new cars. Some of them who never speak English kept saying "thank you thank you! You so very kind." Their reactions to the simplest things are priceless.
One of my favorite Korean friends at school who is 26 years old and sits right next to me has been so kind and helpful to me since I arrived in Korea. She speaks pretty good English so we are always talking or laughing about the students or other things in the teacher's lounge or classroom. She told me she never ever gets presents anymore from her parents cause she is too told. Before hearing this I already knew I wanted to get her a present since she is one of my best friends at school. We are always talking about how we like Mac and Dior make up and how it is expensive. I always see her wearing pink, and she has pink lipstick so I decided I would get her some new Mac lipgloss. I ended up getting her the Lady gaga pink Christmas limited edition. I swear to you I had no idea that was the exact color she had for lipstick so it was the perfect gift. If I could have captured her reaction when I gave it to her in a snapshot I would have. Or if I could get that kind of reaction every time I gave a gift I think I would give them every day. She was so shocked and surprised she looked like she was about to faint. She then had a panicked look because she had nothing in return. I assured her I just wanted to give this to her because of how kind and helpful she has been to me. She then paused and thought of the English word she wanted to say and said "I am so moved." It was precious! It's one of the best gifts I've ever gave only because of her reaction. She has now worn the Lady gaga pink lipgloss every day. Too cute.
The following Monday I showed up to school and there was a small box on my desk. She said "my present to you." It was OPI nail polish and coconut sun lotion for my trip to Malaysia coming up. She then INSISTED she paint my nails with it right away. I didn't even know if this was okay to do in school but before I could think she started painting away. So now I am sitting here with OPI gold sparkly limited edition nail polish on. HAHA, gotta love her.
My vice principal and co teachers also gave me Christmas cards with some of the kindest words written inside. One co-teacher told me she thinks "God sent me to them because I bring happy air to her and the classroom." Haha, too nice. My other co-teacher told me "he is a very lucky guy cause he meets me this year. Haha, I love their broken English in the cards it makes it so much better.
Another co-teacher handed me a small box. For a moment I thought he was proposing. I opened the box and inside was a pink key chain with jewels on it to spell out my name across it. So now, on my Korean phone I have this decked out keychain with SHEILA in jewels hanging from it. Haha, I feel so Korean.
They truly made my Christmas even more special here. One I will never forget.

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