A Korean teacher and I were walking in the door at the same time, and he stopped and waved so I would go in first, and instead of saying "after you," he said "after me."
haha, I knew what he meant but I had to pause for a second to think, did he want me to go in first or did he actually mean for me to go in after him?

During a lesson in class on "giving directions" the students were supposed to write down how long it took them to get from their home to school. One "wise" student decided to hand in his paper and it said: "It takes me 1 year to get to school." haha gotta love the creativity...I guess.

Today the teacher who sits next to me came back from class after the first bell rang and said, "class is cancelled 5th period."

I said, "oooh why is that?"

She said, "hmmm maybe......(she couldn't think of the word so instead she made smoking gesture with her hands and mouth.)

A bit confused, I asked "oooh you need to smoke?"

she laughed and said, "no no, class smoking."

I was getting more and more confused, knowing these were 12 year old students we were talking about, so I asked: "the students are smoking?"

she went to her computer for a second to look up a translated word and began laughing.

She came back and said "oops! I forget word. I mean they are having a PREVENT smoking class."

HAHA, gotta love the language barrier sometimes, always makes for an interesting conversation.

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